• Massage and Beauty Salon Natalia's

    Experience beauty and well-being anew – indulge in treatments by our expert in aromatherapy, permanent makeup, and radiofrequency therapy!

    Make an appointment
"Your beauty and relaxation start here.

• Specialized Treatments. Enjoy massages, permanent makeup, and radiofrequency therapy tailored to your needs. • High-Quality Natural Products. We use only the best natural products to nurture and protect your skin.

  • Each treatment is individually tailored to your skin needs and desires to ensure optimal results and complete satisfaction.
  • We use the latest techniques and technologies in facial cosmetology to maintain and enhance the health and beauty of your skin.
About us
Anti-Stress Massage

Relax your body and mind with our special anti-stress massage, designed to relieve tension and promote a deep sense of calm. More

Full Body Massage with Aromatic Oil

Enjoy a relaxing full body massage using high-quality aromatic oils to calm the body and mind and promote holistic well-being

Beauty and Calm in Our Studio


Our aromatherapy uses specially selected oils designed to reduce stress and enhance mood.


Our experienced therapists tailor each massage to your individual needs.


We offer a range of relaxation techniques aimed at calming and rejuvenating the body and mind.

Welcome to our cosmetic salon in Garmisch-Partenkirchen! Here, not only will you find a wide range of cosmetic treatments, but also a place where you can relax and pamper yourself. Our salon specializes in treating both the body and soul simultaneously. Our clients attest to this, and we are proud to have earned their trust. Have you ever felt like the most valued guest? Our clients unanimously confirm this. Proof of this can be found in the reviews they leave after their treatments.

Feeling stressed or just need a little break? Our beauty treatment is just the thing to distract you from everything. A renewed sense of well-being and the return of energy is what every client experiences after their massage. Need to prepare for a special event? We can offer you permanent makeup or nail care. Or we can even perform a complete package of treatments in one day if you book in advance. We value your time. Planning a vacation? Here too, we can assist you by offering services ranging from pedicure to gentle epilation and body peeling. The feedback and reviews after the treatments speak for themselves, and you can view them at any time. We understand our clients’ needs depending on the season and time of year.

Looking for a nearby cosmetic studio? We are here for you! At Kosmetik Garmisch, we combine traditional methods with the latest achievements in cosmetology. We use state-of-the-art technologies and products to tailor each treatment to your individual needs. Come by and see for yourself how deep our passion for beauty care goes. We look forward to your visit to our cosmetic studio in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, where love for beauty care lives in all its facets.

The Art of Natural Beauty Experience ultimate relaxation and beauty care through our professional massages and cosmetic treatments designed specifically to revitalize the body and mind.

Massages Relaxation and stress relief.

Anti-Stress Massage
Facial Treatments Care, rejuvenation, radiant skin.

Facial Treatment
Eyelash Lamination

Eyelash Lamination
Cosmetic foot care

Cosmetic foot care
Opening Hours

An appointment is required in advance. Contact us and we will find a suitable time for you together.

  • Monday – Friday: 08:00–20:00
  • Saturday: 08:00–20:00
  • Sunday: 09:00–19:00
  • Schedule an appointment via WhatsApp
Book Now

Our Prices for Services

  • Facial Treatment CLASSIC

    60 min

    Cleansing, Tonic, Peeling

    Facial massage, individual care

    75 €
  • Facial Treatment PURIFYING

    60 min

    Cleansing, Tonic, Peeling, Deep cleansing

    Mask, individual care

    85 €
  • Facial Treatment PURIFYING

    90 min

    Cleansing, Tonic, Peeling, Deep cleansing

    Mask, individual care

    95 €
  • Eyebrow Correction

    + classic tinting

    25 €
  • Eyelash Tinting
    15 €
  • Eyebrow Tinting

    + correction & eyelash tinting

    35 €
  • Waxing Upper Lip
    11 €
  • Waxing Chin
    11 €
  • Waxing Full Face
    24 €
  • Brow Lift

    incl. correction & classic tint

    54 €
  • Lash Lift/Eyelash Lamination
    59 €
  • Lash Lift + Brow Lift
    105 €
  • Permanent Make-up

    for eyebrows

    250 €
  • Permanent Lip Make-up
    250 €
  • Permanent Eye Make-up
    250 €
  • Permanent Removal

    of small tattoos or tattoo correction

    100 €
  • Manicure

    60 min

    40 €
  • Manicure with Polish

    80 min

    45 €
  • Manicure with Gel Polish

    120 min

    45 €
  • Pedicure

    60-80 min

    45 €
  • Pedicure with Polish

    90 min

    52 €
  • Pedicure with Gel Polish

    120 min

    55 €
  • Thai Foot Massage

    30/60/90 min

    35/65/90 €
  • Anti-Stress Massage

    50/80 min

    68/92 €
  • Full Body Massage

    with aroma oil

    25/50 min

    39/60 €
  • Head-Neck-Face Massage

    25 min

    29 €
  • Leg and Foot Massage

    45 min

    52 €

Care for you in our studio

Tetyana Esmaili
Tetyana Esmaili
Die Natalia ist eine sehr Gute Spezialistin. Sie nimmt für jeder viel Zeit und macht ihre Arbeit ausgezeichnet. Ich habe mir gewünscht die Augenbrauen zu malen und die Wimpern zu laminieren. Dann mal später hat die Natalia mir ein Gesichtsreinigung gemacht. Mein Wunsch war 100% erfüllt. Die Pflegekosmetik für das Gesicht hat mir sehr gefallen und jetzt benutze ich die auch zu Hause. Paar Aromaölen duften jetzt auch in meine Aromalampe daheim. Ich empfehle die Natalia jeder und weiter weil sie sehr pesönlich und Gute Meisterin in ihre Beruf ist. :)))
Таня Мушта
Таня Мушта
Вже двічі робила тут педикюр і маю наступний запис теж. Завжди вчасно, ніжно, мої ніжки доглянуиі і я щаслива. Щиро рекомендую.
Оксана Гр
Оксана Гр
Натьлья прекрасный и высококвалифицированный мастер , подходит индивидуально к каждому клиенту, я счастлива что доверила ей слелать мне перманентный татуаж бровей. Обязательно вернусь еще и на другие процедуры)))
Alla Shvydchenko
Alla Shvydchenko
Була в студії кілька разів і залишилась задоволеною: Наталія може щось порадити чи порекомендувати, а також завжди прислухається до побажань своїх клієнтів. Процедури проходять легко і розслаблено. Рекомендую !
Ольга Романишин
Ольга Романишин
Прекрасна атмосфера затишку в салоні та першокласний сервіс. Наталя робила мені процедуру для обличчя. Класно що ти отримуєш не лише процедуру, а ще й купу цінних порад щодо догляду за обличчям в домашніх умовах. Тепер я купую листя алоє та роблю маски дома. Однозначно рекомендую цей салон, який з такою любовʼю створила Наталя і радує кожного клієнта!
Олена Лавнічева
Олена Лавнічева
Спасибі Наталія, за якісну роботу! Робила масаж всього тіла. Мені сподобалось. 🤗Рекомендую! Приємна атмосфера, стіл для масажу з підігрівом, масла для масажу високої якості. Відчуття релаксації гарантовано!
Elena Efimenko
Elena Efimenko
Ich war sehr zufrieden mit der Massage und der Gesichtsreinigung. Natalia ist eine sehr aufmerksame und sorgfältige Meisterin ihres Fachs.
Hubert Moser
Hubert Moser
Sie machte mir die Beste Hals- und Schultermassage, wonach meine Verspannungen äußerst angenehm verschwunden waren. Fast magisch. Ich komme sehr gerne wieder.
Want to Make a Booking or Have a Question?

Please contact us via WhatsApp and we will find a suitable time for your visit.

Schedule an Appointment

Do you want to make an appointment or do you have questions?

Please contact us via WhatsApp, and we will find a convenient time for your visit.

Safety Standards

Highest hygiene and safety standards in all treatments and massages.

Lifestyle Program

Our program combines cosmetology and massage for a healthy life.

Gift Cards

Gift yourself a few hours of relaxation and recovery.

You can reach us in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. We also have customers who travel to us from:

Grainau, Farchant, Oberbau, Oberammergau, Mittenwalder, Füssen, Weilheim, Murnau, Uffing, Ohlstadt, Ettal, Krümel, Klaus, Elmar, München, Innsbruck
