Foot Peeling, Foot Pack, and Foot Massage

Foot Peeling, Foot Pack, and Foot Massage

This treatment offers a comprehensive care program for your feet. A foot peeling removes dead skin cells and smooths rough areas. Next, a nourishing foot pack is applied, deeply penetrating the skin to provide nourishment. Finally, a soothing foot massage is performed to improve circulation and relax the feet.

It is important to have this treatment performed by a professional because experts possess the knowledge and techniques to achieve optimal results. Professional care ensures that your feet not only look good but also feel healthy and refreshed.

Why is comprehensive foot care important?

The Importance of Professional Foot Care
Good foot care is not just a matter of aesthetics but also of health. In our studio in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, we offer professional foot care aimed at maintaining and improving the health and beauty of your feet. Regular treatment, ideally at least once a month, helps keep the skin in optimal condition and prevents issues like calluses, ingrown nails, or other discomforts.
Benefits of Foot Peeling, Foot Pack, and Foot Massage

What does our comprehensive foot care service include?
Our foot care includes not just basic care but also special treatments like foot peeling, foot pack, and foot massage. These treatments offer a variety of benefits:

Foot Peeling
Imagine it as a spring cleaning for your feet! Picture gentle grains dancing over your skin, sweeping away all the stress and fatigue of everyday life. It’s like your feet take a deep breath and shed a heavy load. Suddenly, you feel lighter, as if you could walk on clouds. And the best part? Your skin becomes so supple and soft that you’d want to walk barefoot through soft grass.

Foot Pack
Now it gets cozy! Imagine your feet dipping into a creamy, fragrant cloud. It’s like they’re sinking into a warm hug that pampers every little nook with moisture and care. You can literally feel your skin soaking up this extra dose of love and renewing itself from the inside out. After this treatment, you feel as if you’ve just visited a spa for your feet – they radiate health and vitality.

Foot Massage
This is where the journey to absolute well-being begins! Skilled hands take your feet on a voyage of discovery. Every bit of tension is lovingly smoothed away, every muscle gently awakened and invigorated. It’s as if new life is flowing into your feet. You feel relaxation spreading from your toes throughout your entire body. At the end, you’re not just renewed at the feet, but rejuvenated from head to toe.

These three treatments together? They’re like a mini-vacation for your feet! You don’t just go home with well-cared feet but also with a smile on your face and a feeling of lightness in every step. Your feet will thank you, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t treat them to this extra dose of love sooner.
Why the Combination of These Treatments is Important

The combination of foot peeling, foot pack, and foot massage offers a comprehensive care program that aims to holistically improve the health and appearance of the feet. By regularly applying these treatments, not only is the appearance of the feet optimized, but their condition is sustainably improved. The peeling prepares the skin, the pack deeply nourishes it, and the massage promotes circulation and relaxation. This synergistic effect maximizes the health benefits of each individual treatment and leads to long-lasting results that are both noticeable and visible.
By receiving regular professional foot care at our studio in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, you ensure that your feet are always well-maintained, healthy, and ready for the challenges of everyday life.
Why Should You Use Our Foot Care Services?

Professional Foot Care in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
At our foot care salon in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, experienced foot care specialists who specialize in cosmetic foot care work with high-quality products and state-of-the-art techniques to ensure that your feet not only look good but also feel great. Professional foot care after a strenuous day or as a regular treatment can work wonders for your well-being.

Pricing and Online Appointment Booking
Our prices for comprehensive foot care start at 30 euros. To book an appointment, simply visit our website and search for “preise – Garmisch – online termin”. Our foot massage Garmisch and other foot care services can be easily booked online. These treatments are especially recommended as supplementary care after basic foot care to enhance the positive effects.

Visit us in Garmisch-Partenkirchen for professional foot care that not only makes your feet more beautiful but also contributes to your overall well-being. Let our experts advise you and enjoy a treatment specifically tailored to your needs. Our comprehensive foot care services offer everything you need to keep your feet healthy, beautiful, and relaxed.
Our foot care experts in Garmisch-Partenkirchen are not only masters of relaxation and beauty but primarily guardians of the health of your feet. They understand that well-cared feet should be more than just visually appealing. During each treatment, your foot health is the top priority. Our trained staff carefully watch for signs of problems such as fungal infections, ingrown nails, or other skin changes. You receive not only thorough cleaning and care but also valuable advice on daily foot hygiene and prevention of foot problems.

Tetyana Esmaili
Tetyana Esmaili
Die Natalia ist eine sehr Gute Spezialistin. Sie nimmt für jeder viel Zeit und macht ihre Arbeit ausgezeichnet. Ich habe mir gewünscht die Augenbrauen zu malen und die Wimpern zu laminieren. Dann mal später hat die Natalia mir ein Gesichtsreinigung gemacht. Mein Wunsch war 100% erfüllt. Die Pflegekosmetik für das Gesicht hat mir sehr gefallen und jetzt benutze ich die auch zu Hause. Paar Aromaölen duften jetzt auch in meine Aromalampe daheim. Ich empfehle die Natalia jeder und weiter weil sie sehr pesönlich und Gute Meisterin in ihre Beruf ist. :)))
Таня Мушта
Таня Мушта
Вже двічі робила тут педикюр і маю наступний запис теж. Завжди вчасно, ніжно, мої ніжки доглянуиі і я щаслива. Щиро рекомендую.
Оксана Гр
Оксана Гр
Натьлья прекрасный и высококвалифицированный мастер , подходит индивидуально к каждому клиенту, я счастлива что доверила ей слелать мне перманентный татуаж бровей. Обязательно вернусь еще и на другие процедуры)))
Alla Shvydchenko
Alla Shvydchenko
Була в студії кілька разів і залишилась задоволеною: Наталія може щось порадити чи порекомендувати, а також завжди прислухається до побажань своїх клієнтів. Процедури проходять легко і розслаблено. Рекомендую !
Ольга Романишин
Ольга Романишин
Прекрасна атмосфера затишку в салоні та першокласний сервіс. Наталя робила мені процедуру для обличчя. Класно що ти отримуєш не лише процедуру, а ще й купу цінних порад щодо догляду за обличчям в домашніх умовах. Тепер я купую листя алоє та роблю маски дома. Однозначно рекомендую цей салон, який з такою любовʼю створила Наталя і радує кожного клієнта!
Олена Лавнічева
Олена Лавнічева
Спасибі Наталія, за якісну роботу! Робила масаж всього тіла. Мені сподобалось. 🤗Рекомендую! Приємна атмосфера, стіл для масажу з підігрівом, масла для масажу високої якості. Відчуття релаксації гарантовано!
Elena Efimenko
Elena Efimenko
Ich war sehr zufrieden mit der Massage und der Gesichtsreinigung. Natalia ist eine sehr aufmerksame und sorgfältige Meisterin ihres Fachs.
Hubert Moser
Hubert Moser
Sie machte mir die Beste Hals- und Schultermassage, wonach meine Verspannungen äußerst angenehm verschwunden waren. Fast magisch. Ich komme sehr gerne wieder.

You can reach us in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. We also have customers who travel to us from:

Grainau, Farchant, Oberbau, Oberammergau, Mittenwalder, Füssen, Weilheim, Murnau, Uffing, Ohlstadt, Ettal, Krümel, Klaus, Elmar, München, Innsbruck