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Facial Treatment

Welcome to our studio in Garmisch, where we understand that the health of your skin is essential for your overall well-being. Our professional skin cleansing and cosmetic facial treatments are designed to meet the needs of every skin type and emphasize your natural beauty.

We offer a variety of facial treatments in one place. The beautician will first examine and consult you before telling you where to start. Facial care between visits to our studio is also important, so the beautician will also help you choose the right products for that time. Our goal is to make your life easier and give you a better sense of self-worth.

Imagine coming to our studio after a long day, and our experienced facial beauticians welcome you with personalized consultation. Here, each facial treatment is tailored to your specific skin needs. Whether you are dealing with acne and need professional facial cleansing for acne or a gentler treatment to rejuvenate your skin – we have the right solutions.

Here is how the sensations can vary during the treatment of different problems:

Impure skin and acne. Before: The skin feels rough and uneven, with unpleasant tension. After: The skin is smoother, feeling fresh and light.

Stress and fatigue. Before: The skin appears dull, feeling exhausted and tense. After: A sense of refreshment and vitality spreads, the skin feels revitalized.

Dry or oily skin. Before: Dryness causes uncomfortable tightness, oiliness gives a sticky feeling. After: The skin feels balanced, neither too dry nor too oily.

Age-related skin changes. Before: The skin feels slack, with reduced elasticity. After: Noticeable tightening and firmness, the skin feels more vital.

Before important events. Before: Nervousness and tension are also felt in the skin. After: A sense of self-assurance and well-being emerges.

Seasonal skin problems. Before: The skin reacts sensitively to weather changes, itching or feeling tight. After: Noticeable calming and adjustment to current conditions.

Skin irritations and redness. Before: An uncomfortable burning or itching, the skin feels irritated. After: A soothing cooling and relief, the skin feels calmed.

Enlarged pores. Before: The skin surface feels uneven and rough. After: Noticeable smoothing and refinement of the skin texture.

Dull complexion. Before: The skin feels lifeless and matte. After: A sense of freshness and liveliness, the skin looks “awakened.”General well-being. Before: Feeling stressed and tense, also in the facial skin. After: Deep relaxation spreads, feeling renewed and balanced.

Facial care in a professional cosmetic studio not only offers a deeper cleansing than is possible at home but also uses advanced techniques and products specifically developed for your skin type. The costs of facial treatments in our studio reflect our use of high-quality products and the expertise of our beauticians, who specialize in carefully treating each skin problem.

Regular cosmetic facial treatments can not only improve the appearance of your skin but also contribute to its long-term health. Many of our clients report visible improvements in their skin texture and a reduced occurrence of skin problems after regular visits.

For those additionally concerned about unwanted facial hair, we also offer facial hair removal by a beautician. These meticulous treatments complement our skin care services and ensure a smooth, radiant appearance.

Our prices for cosmetic facial treatments are transparent and will be detailed during your consultation so you know exactly what to expect. Every step is tailored to your needs to ensure the most effective and pleasant treatments.

Discover how an hour in our studio can transform your skin and boost your self-confidence. Investing in professional facial treatments is an investment in your beauty and health that pays off in the long run. Let us help you show your best face.

Tetyana Esmaili
Tetyana Esmaili
Die Natalia ist eine sehr Gute Spezialistin. Sie nimmt für jeder viel Zeit und macht ihre Arbeit ausgezeichnet. Ich habe mir gewünscht die Augenbrauen zu malen und die Wimpern zu laminieren. Dann mal später hat die Natalia mir ein Gesichtsreinigung gemacht. Mein Wunsch war 100% erfüllt. Die Pflegekosmetik für das Gesicht hat mir sehr gefallen und jetzt benutze ich die auch zu Hause. Paar Aromaölen duften jetzt auch in meine Aromalampe daheim. Ich empfehle die Natalia jeder und weiter weil sie sehr pesönlich und Gute Meisterin in ihre Beruf ist. :)))
Таня Мушта
Таня Мушта
Вже двічі робила тут педикюр і маю наступний запис теж. Завжди вчасно, ніжно, мої ніжки доглянуиі і я щаслива. Щиро рекомендую.
Оксана Гр
Оксана Гр
Натьлья прекрасный и высококвалифицированный мастер , подходит индивидуально к каждому клиенту, я счастлива что доверила ей слелать мне перманентный татуаж бровей. Обязательно вернусь еще и на другие процедуры)))
Alla Shvydchenko
Alla Shvydchenko
Була в студії кілька разів і залишилась задоволеною: Наталія може щось порадити чи порекомендувати, а також завжди прислухається до побажань своїх клієнтів. Процедури проходять легко і розслаблено. Рекомендую !
Ольга Романишин
Ольга Романишин
Прекрасна атмосфера затишку в салоні та першокласний сервіс. Наталя робила мені процедуру для обличчя. Класно що ти отримуєш не лише процедуру, а ще й купу цінних порад щодо догляду за обличчям в домашніх умовах. Тепер я купую листя алоє та роблю маски дома. Однозначно рекомендую цей салон, який з такою любовʼю створила Наталя і радує кожного клієнта!
Олена Лавнічева
Олена Лавнічева
Спасибі Наталія, за якісну роботу! Робила масаж всього тіла. Мені сподобалось. 🤗Рекомендую! Приємна атмосфера, стіл для масажу з підігрівом, масла для масажу високої якості. Відчуття релаксації гарантовано!
Elena Efimenko
Elena Efimenko
Ich war sehr zufrieden mit der Massage und der Gesichtsreinigung. Natalia ist eine sehr aufmerksame und sorgfältige Meisterin ihres Fachs.
Hubert Moser
Hubert Moser
Sie machte mir die Beste Hals- und Schultermassage, wonach meine Verspannungen äußerst angenehm verschwunden waren. Fast magisch. Ich komme sehr gerne wieder.

You can reach us in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. We also have customers who travel to us from:

Grainau, Farchant, Oberbau, Oberammergau, Mittenwalder, Füssen, Weilheim, Murnau, Uffing, Ohlstadt, Ettal, Krümel, Klaus, Elmar, München, Innsbruck
